
Masterman's Scholarship Bulletin (redirected from FrontPage)

Page history last edited by Jim Allen 1 year, 11 months ago

Welcome to Masterman's Scholarship Bulletin!


Do you need money to pay for college?  This is the place to find information about a variety of scholarships. 


Scholarships will not look for you.  You need to look for them!  Although you might be busy with homework, after school activities, and/or a part-time job, a few hours spent writing some essays can earn you thousands of dollars for college.  If not you might have to secure additional money for college through loans, which you must pay back with interest, after you graduate from college.


The Scholarship Bulletin will be updated periodically, so check back often!  We have also posted information on the Senior Seminar Google Classroom page.  Also check the SideBar on the right side of this page for additional helpful websites. 


Click here to see the Scholarship Bulletin.



Diversity Weekends


Many colleges have Diversity Weekends where they will pay for all or part of the cost for you to travel to their campus.  Click here to view the list.  This is just a sampling of colleges.  Contact the college you're interested in to see if they're planning a Diversity Weekend.



Good luck!


Mr. Allen, Ms. Nelson and Ms. Marcus



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